Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rubab Zahra Naqvi;

Senior Scientist

Work Phone: 92-41-9201316-20 Ext 3316
Fax Phone: +92-41-6201472
Cell/Direct Phone: +92-314-3024094
Rubab Zahra Naqvi


  • PhD Biotechnology (2018) NIBGE-Pakistan Institute for Engineering and Applied Science (PIEAS)
  • MPhil Biotechnology (2011) NIBGE-Pakistan Institute for Engineering and Applied Science (PIEAS)
  • BS. (Hons.) Bioinformatics (2008) Govt. College University Faisalabad


Honors and awards:

  • 2015: USDA Norman E. Borlaug Fellowship on Bioinformatics at High-Performance Computing Laboratory, Mississippi State University, MS, United States
  • 2019: Best Research Paper Award, Higher Education Commission



To work as a creative and knowledgeable resource in the field of Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Genomics with a focus on projects for the betterment of agriculture in Pakistan.


Research Interests

Plant Molecular Biology, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Gene Isolation and characterization


Selected Publications:


 1.       Ehsan, A.; Naqvi, R.Z.; Azhar, M.; Awan, M.J.A.; Amin, I.; Mansoor, S.; Asif, M. Genome-Wide Analysis of WRKY Gene Family and Negative Regulation of GhWRKY25 and GhWRKY33 Reveal Their Role in Whitefly and Drought Stress Tolerance in Cotton. Genes 2023, 14, 171.

2.       Farooq, M.; Naqvi, R.Z.; Amin, I.; Rehman, A.U.; Asif, M.; Mansoor, S. Transcriptome diversity assessment of Gossypium arboreum (FDH228) leaves under control, drought and whitefly infestation using PacBio long reads. Gene 2023, 852, 147065.

3.       Naqvi, R.Z.; Siddiqui, H.A.; Mahmood, M.A.; Najeebullah, S.; Ehsan, A.; Azhar, M.; Farooq, M.; Amin, I.; Asad, S.; Mukhtar, Z. Smart breeding approaches in post-genomics era for developing climate-resilient food crops. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022, 13.

4.       Siddiqui, H.A.; Asad, S.; Naqvi, R.Z.; Asif, M.; Liu, C.; Liu, X.; Farooq, M.; Abro, S.; Rizwan, M.; Arshad, M. Development and evaluation of triple gene transgenic cotton lines expressing three genes (Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab-EPSPS) for lepidopteran insect pests and herbicide tolerance. Scientific Reports 2022, 12, 18422.

5.       Mahmood, M.A.; Naqvi, R.Z.; Mansoor, S. Engineering crop resistance by manipulating disease susceptibility genes. Molecular Plant 2022, 15, 1511

6.       Aslam MQ, Naqvi RZ, Zaidi SS, Asif M, Akhter KP, Scheffler BE, Scheffler JA, Liu SS, Amin I, Mansoor S. Analysis of a tetraploid cotton line Mac7 transcriptome reveals mechanisms underlying resistance against the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Gene. 2022 Apr 30;820:146200.

7.       Mahmood MA, Naqvi RZ, Siddiqui HA, Amin I, Mansoor S. Current knowledge and implementations of Bemisia tabaci genomic technologies for sustainable control. Journal of Pest Science. 2022 Jun 16:1-4.

8.       Asif M, Siddiqui HA, Naqvi RZ, Amin I, Asad S, Mukhtar Z, Bashir A, Mansoor S. Development of event-specific detection method for identification of insect resistant NIBGE-1601 cotton harboring double gene Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab construct. Scientific reports. 2021 Feb 10;11(1):1-9.

9.       Umer N, Naqvi RZ, Rauf I, Anjum N, Keen PR, Van Eck J, Jander G, Asif M. Expression of Pinellia ternata leaf agglutinin under rolC promoter confers resistance against a phytophagous sap sucking aphid, Myzus persicae. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 2020 Sep 1;47:72-82.

10.   Hussain A, Farooq M, Naqvi RZ, Amin I, Pervaiz K, Saeed M, Asif M, Mukhtar MS, Mansoor S. Genome-wide identification and classification of resistance genes predicted several decoy domains in Gossypium sp. Plant Gene. 2020 Dec 1;24:100250.

11.   Zaidi, SSA., Naqvi, RZ., Asif, M., Strickler, S.,  Shakir, S., Shafiq, M.,  Khan, A., Amin, I., Mishra, B., Mukhtar, S., Scheffler, B., Scheffler, J., Mueller, L., Mansoor, S. Molecular insight into cotton leaf curl geminivirus disease resistance in cultivated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant biotechnology journal. 2020 Mar;18(3):691-706.

12.   Naqvi RZ, Zaidi SS, Mukhtar MS, Amin I, Mishra B, Strickler S, Mueller LA, Asif M, Mansoor S. Transcriptomic analysis of cultivated cotton Gossypium hirsutum provides insights into host responses upon whitefly-mediated transmission of cotton leaf curl disease. Plos One. 2019 Feb 7;14(2):e0210011.

13.   Naqvi RZ, Zaidi SS, Akhtar KP, Strickler S, Woldemariam M, Mishra B, Mukhtar MS, Scheffler BE, Scheffler JA, Jander G, Mueller LA, Asif M, and Mansoor S. Transcriptomics reveals multiple resistance mechanisms against cotton leaf curl disease in a naturally immune cotton species, Gossypium arboreum. Scientific reports. 2017, 21;7(1):15880.

14.   Naqvi RZ., Asif, M., Saeed, M., Asad, S., Khatoon, A., Amin, I., Mukhtar, Z. Bashir, A. Mansoor, S. Development of a Triple Gene Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab-EPSPS Construct and Its Expression in Nicotiana benthamiana for Insect Resistance and Herbicide Tolerance in Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 2017, 8, 55. 

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