Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dr. Waqar Rauf;

Principal Scientist

Work Phone: (+92 41) 9201316-20/Ext 3299
Fax Phone: (+92 41) 9201472
Dr. Waqar Rauf


            D.Phil in Organopalladium Catalysis involving NMR, GC/MS, LC/MS studies

             University of Oxford, UK (2009)

Short Biography:                         

2000                   Oracle Database Management Programme Certification

                           Hamdard University.

2001-2002          Graduate Engineers Training Programme

                           Dawood Hercules Chemicals Ltd.

2002                   Nuclear Orientation Course

                           Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

2005                   Building a Business course based around Science Enterpreneurship 

                          Oxford Science Enterprise Centre, Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK.

2008                   Academic Visitor

                          The Scripps Research Institute, California USA.

Positions Held:

2002-2007           Scientific Officer

2007-present       Senior Scientist

Research Interests:

  • Applications of catalytic methods especially palladium catalyzed C-C couplings in the synthesis of biologically potent compounds.
  • Palladium catalyzed C-H activation studies in the target substrates, important in the synthesis of antiviral and antimicrobial agents.
  • Isolation and characterization of natural products’ secondary metabolites for their potential bioactivities, specifically against the microorganisms of indigenous origin.



  • Rauf, W.; Brown, J. M.: Catalytic amide-mediated methyl transfer from silanes to alkenes in Fujiwara-Moritani oxidative coupling. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2008, 47, 4228-4230.
  • Rauf, W.; Thompson, A. L.; Brown, J. M.: Comparative catalytic C-H vs. C-Si activation of arenes with Pd complexes directed by urea or amide groups. Chemical Communications 2009, 3874-3876. (Hot Article)
  • Rauf, W.; Brown, J. M.: Catalytic Amide-Directed Palladadesilylation-Alkenylation. Synlett 2009, 3103-3106.
  • Rauf, W.; Hazari, A.; Gouverneur, V.; Brown, J. M.: Catalytic activation of hydrogen, silicon, and fluorine by transition-metal complexes. Pure and Applied Chemistry 2010, 82, 1415-1428.
  • Rauf, W.; Thompson, A. L.; Brown, J. M.: Anilide activation of adjacent C-H bonds in the palladium-catalysed Fujiwara-Moritani reaction. Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 10414-10421.
  • Rauf, W.; Brown, J. M.: Reactive intermediates in catalytic alkenylation; pathways for Mizoroki-Heck, oxidative Heck and Fujiwara-Moritani reactions. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 8430-8440. (Feature Article)
  • Rauf, W.; Brown, J. M.:Palladium-catalysed directed C–H activation by anilides and ureas; water participation in a  general base mechanism. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2016, 14, 5251-5257.
  • Imran, M.; Fazal-e-Habib.; Tawab, A.; Rauf, W.; Rahman, M.; Khan, Q.M.; Asi M. R., Iqbal, M.: LC–MS/MS based method development for the analysis of florfenicol and its application to estimate relative distribution in various tissues of broiler chicken. Journal of Chromatography B 2017, 1063, 163–173.
  • Rauf, W.; Brown, J. M.: Mechanisms for C(sp2)-Si Activation of Aryltrimethylsilyl Groups in Palladium-catalysed Couplings. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2017. 


Research Grants:

  • Palladium catalyzed C-H activation in tert-amide directed Fujiwara-Mortani reaction Funding Agency: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.
  • Palladium catalyzed C-H activation at C-5 positions of 2-aminothiazole ring Funding Agency: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan 




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