Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dr Niaz Ahmad;

Principal Scientist

Work Phone: (+92 41) 9201316-20 Ext 3243
Cell/Direct Phone: +92 (0)333 662 3937
Dr Niaz Ahmad


PhD (Chloroplast Biotechnology)


Imperial College London, UK

MPhil (Biotechnology)


Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

BSc (Hons) Agriculture


University of Agriculture, Faisalabad



Senior Scientist


NIBGE, Faisalabad

Assist. Professor (Biotechnology)


NIBGE, Faisalabad

Research Fellow


NIBGE, Faisalabad



Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Italy


Research Activities

  • Reduction of erucic acid and glucosinolates in Brassica through CRISPR technology
  • Cost effective production of high-value targets in higher plant chloroplasts
  • Engineering drought and salt tolerance in crop plants using chloroplast transformation technology

Selected publications (past five years)

  1. Ahmad, N., and B.L. Nielsen. 2020. Plastid transcriptomics: An important tool for plastid functional genomics. Protein & Peptide Letters:(in press).
  2. Ahmad, N., S.S.A. Zaidi, and S. Mansoor. 2020. Alternative Routes to Improving Photosynthesis in Field Crops. Trends in Plant Science. 25:958-960.
  3. Ahmad, N., M.-u. Rahman, Z. Mukhtar, Y. Zafar, and B. Zhang. 2020. A critical look on CRISPR-based genome editing in plants. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 235:666-682.
  4. Ahmad, N., and B.L. Nielsen. 2020. Plant Organelle DNA Maintenance. Plants. 9: DOI: 10.3390/plants9060683.
  5. Ahmad, N., M.O. Khan, E. Islam, Z.Y. Wei, L. McAusland, T. Lawson, G.N. Johnson, and P.J. Nixon. 2020. Contrasting responses to stress displayed by tobacco overexpressing an algal plastid terminal oxidase in the chloroplast. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00501.
  6. Ahmad, N., M.A. Mehmood, and S. Malik. 2020. Recombinant protein production in microalgae: Emerging trends. Protein & Peptide Letters 27:105-110.
  7. Farooq, N., M.A. Nawaz, Z. Mukhtar, I. Ali, P. Hundleby, and N. Ahmad. 2019. Investigating the In Vitro Regeneration Potential of Commercial Cultivars of Brassica. Plants. 8:558.
  8. Morley, S.A., N. Ahmad, and B.L. Nielsen. 2019. Plant organelle genome replication. Plants. 8:358.
  9. Siddiqui, A., Z. Wei, M. Boehm, and N. Ahmad. 2019. Engineering microalgae through chloroplast transformation to produce high-value industrial products. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. 67:30-40.
  10. Khan, M.O., M.A. Mehmood, Z. Mukhtar, and N. Ahmad. 2018. Chloroplasts as cellular factories for the cost-effective production of cellulases. Protein & Peptide Letters. 25:129-135.
  11. Ahmad, N., and Z. Mukhtar. 2017. Genetic manipulations in crops: Challenges and opportunities. Genomics. 109:494-505.
  12. Ahmad, N., F. Michoux, A.G. Lossl, and P.J. Nixon. 2016. Challenges and perspectives in commercializing plastid transformation technology. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67:5945-5960.
  13. Ahmad, N., S.J. Burgess, and B.L. Nielsen. 2016. Editorial: Advances in Plastid Biology and Its Applications. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7.1396,DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01396
  14. Gill, S.S., M.A. Mehmood, N. Ahmad, M. Ibrahim, U. Rashid, S. Ali, and I.A. Nehdi. 2016. Strain selection, growth productivity and biomass characterization of novel microalgae isolated from fresh and wastewaters of upper Punjab, Pakistan. Frontiers in Life Science. 9:190-200.
  15. Michoux, F., N. Ahmad, Z.Y. Wei, E. Belgio, A. Ruban, and P.J. Nixon. 2016. Testing the role of the N-terminal tail of D1 in the maintenance of photosystem II in tobacco chloroplasts. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00844
  16. Ahmad, N., and M. Mehmood. 2015. RNA-seq: A powerful tool for cataloguing the transcriptome. Journal of Next Generation Sequencing and Applications. 2: DOI: 10.4172/jngsa.1000e4103.


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