1989 – 1991 M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), University of The Punjab, Lahore.
1992 – 1993 Asstt. Technical Officer, Descon Chemical Industries, (Pvt) Ltd., Lahore.
1993 – 2001 Scientific Officer and then Senior Scientific Officer, NIBGE, Faisalabad.
2001 – 2005 Ph.D. Medicinal Chemistry/Drug Discovery, The University of Liverpool, UK.
2005 – 2007 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Liverpool, UK.
2008 to due date Principal Scientist & Group Leader, Drug Discovery and Structural Biology
Group,Health Biotechnology Division, NIBGE, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
- Won a Gold Medal & Scientist of the Year Award (2012) from National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan
- Won a 4 Months Fellowship (2012) at Agri-food and Biosciences Institute, UK, funded by International AtomicEnergy Agency to get training on drug analysis using LC-MS/MS system
- Won a TROSS Award (2001) from The Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of Pakistan
- Mycotoxins Research: Analysis, inhibition, degradation, cleaning from food/feed & toxicity assessment and effect on human /animal health
- Discovery & development of anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-bacterialand anti-fungal agents
- Isolation, characterization, new methods development and total synthesis of natural products
- Vaccines development against bacteria and viruses prevalent in Pakistan
Selected Publications:
- Iram, W., Anjum, T., Iqbal, M., Ghaffar, A., Abbas, M., Mass spectrometric identification and toxicity assessment of degraded products of aflatoxin B1 and B2 by Corymbiacitriodoraaqueous extracts, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:14672 | DOI: 10.1038/srep14672.
- Salman, M., Ali, A., Jabbar, A., Sarwar, Y., Rahman, M., Iqbal, M., Haque, A. Simplest identification, o-specific polysaccharide purification and antigenic evaluation of Salmonella entericaserovarTyphi vi negative isolate, EXCLI Journal, 2015, 14:1078-1084, DOI: 10.17179/excli2015-565.
- Umer, M., Iqbal, M., Hepatitis C virus prevalence and genotype distribution in Pakistan: A comprehensive review of recent data, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2015, ESPS Manuscript NO: 19050 (Accepted & under production process).
- Abbas, W., Tariq, M., Iqbal, M., Kumar, A., Herbein, G. Eradication of HIV-1 from the macrophage reservoir: an uncertain goal? Viruses, 2015, 7, 1578-1598; doi:10.3390/v7041578.
- Shaheen, A., Thomas, W., Mirza, O. A., Ismat, F., Rita, D. Z., Haque, A.,Iqbal, M. Rahman, M. Antimicrobial profiles of putative major facilitator superfamily-type multidrug resistance transporters of Salmonella Typhi studied in Escherichia coli, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.jiac.2015.01.002.
- Qureshi, H., Ali, S. S.,Iqbal, M., Siddiqui, A. A., Khan, N. A., Hamid, S. S. Aflatoxins and hepatitis B, C viral associated hepatocarcinogenesis, Journal of Cell Sciences and Therapy, 2014, 5, 179-185, doi:10.4172/2157-7013.1000179.
- Ali, S., Hameed, S., Imran, A.,Iqbal, M.,Lazarovits, G. Genetic, physiological and biochemical evidence about production of surfactin and iturin A from Bacillus sp. strain RMB7 exhibiting broad spectrum antifungal activity, Microbial Cell Factories, 2014, 13, 144-158. doi:10.1186/s12934-014-0144-x.
- Monrad, R. N.,Errey, J. C., Barry, C. S.,Iqbal, M.,Meng, X.,Iddon, L.,Perrie, J. A., Harding, J. R., Wilson, I. D.,Stachulski, A. V., Davis, B. G. Dissecting the reaction of Phase II metabolites of Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS with human plasma protein, Chemical Science, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/c4sc01329h.
- Kramer, M. E.,Halleran, D., Rahman, M.,Iqbal, M., Anwar, M. I., Sabet, S.,Ackad, E., Yousef, M. Comparative molecular dynamics simulation of hepatitis C virus NS3/4A protease (genotypes 1b, 3a and 4b) predicts conformational instability of the catalytic triad in drug resistant strains, PLOS ONE, 2014,9, e104425.
- Umer, M., Qureshi, S. A., Hashmi, Z. Y., Raza, A., Ahmad, J., Rahman, M.,Iqbal, M. Promoter hypermethylation of Wnt pathway inhibitors in hepatitis C virus - induced multistep hepatocarcinogenesis, Virology Journal, 2014, 11, 117-126.
- Sadiq, S., Imran, M., Hassan, M. N.,Iqbal, M., Zafar, Y., Hafeez, F. Y. Potential of bacteriocinogenicLactococcuslactis subsp. lactis inhabiting low pH vegetables producing nisin variants, LWT Food Science & Technology, 2014, 59, 204-210. &nb