- PhDBotany (Plant Genomics) 2010, Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU), Multan
- MSc. Hons Agri. (PBG) 1998, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF)
- BSc. Hons Agri. (PBG) 1996, University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF)
- UHEC Post-Doc (Plant Molecular Biology) 2012-2013, Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI), Cornell University., SA
Research Interest:
- Cloning and characterization of novel genes for multi-mechanistic and sustainable control of insect pests in cotton
- RNA-Seq based transcriptomic analysis of Desi cotton to find genes for CLCuD resistance
- Molecular characterization, evaluation and biosafety of GMCs
- Event characterization of transgenic cotton
- Detection of GMOs and transgene analysis
Research Publications:
- Ahmad M, Imtiaz M, Nawaz MS, Mubeen F, Sarwar Y, Hayat M, Asif M, Naqvi RZ, AhmadM, Imran A. Thermotolerant PGPR consortium B3P modulates physio-biochemical andmolecular machinery for enhanced heat tolerance in maize during early vegetativegrowth. Annals of Microbiology. 2023 Sep 28;73(1):34.
- Ehsan A, RZ Naqvi, M Azhar, MJA Awan, I Amin, S Mansoor and M Asif. 2023. Genome-wide analysis of WRKY gene family and negative regulation of GhWRKY25 and GhWRKY33in drought and whitefly infestation in cotton. Genes, 14:2104278
- Siddiqui HA, M Asif, RZ Naqvi, A Shehzad, M Sarwar, I Amin and S Mansoor. 2023.Development of modified Cry1Ac for the control of resistant insect pest ofcotton, Pectinophora gossypiella. Gene, online Dec. 2022, 147113
- Farooq M, RZ Naqvi, I Amin, AU Rehman, M. Asif, S Mansoor. 2023. Transcriptomediversity assessment of Gossypium arboreum (FDH228) leaves under control, drought andwhitefly infestation using PacBio long reads. Gene online Nov. 2022 147065
- Siddiqui HA, S Asad, RZ Naqvi, M Asif, C Liu, X Liu, M Farooq, S Abro, M Rizwan, M Arshad,M Sarwar, I Amin, Z Mukhtar and S Mansoor. 2022. Development and evaluation of triplegene transgenic cotton lines expressing three genes (Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab-EPSPS) forlepidopteran insect pests and herbicide tolerance. Scientific reports (2022) 12:18422
- Naqvi RZ, Siddiqui HA, Mahmood MA, Najeebullah S, Ehsan A, Azhar M, Farooq M, Amin I,Asad S, Mukhtar Z, Mansoor S and Asif M (2022) Smart breeding approaches in post-genomics era for developing climate-resilient food crops. Front. Plant Sci. 13:972164. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.972164
- Hussain A, Farooq M, Naqvi RZ, Aslam MQ, Siddiqui HA, Amin I, Liu C, Liu X, Scheffler J,Asif M, Mansoor S. 2022. Whole-Genome Resequencing Deciphers New Insight intoGenetic Diversity and Signatures of Resistance in Cultivated Cotton Gossypium hirsutum.Molecular Biotechnology. 2022 Jul 1:1-8.
- Aslam MQ, Naqvi RZ, Zaidi SSA, Asif M, Akhter KP, Scheffler B, Scheffler J, Liu SS, Amin I,Mansoor S. 2022. Analysis of A Tetraploid Cotton Line Mac7 Transcriptome RevealsMechanisms Underlying Resistance against the Whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Gene 820: 146200
- Asif M, Siddiqui HA, Naqvi RZ, Amin I, Asad S, Mukhtar Z, Bashir A, Mansoor S.Development of event-specific detection method for identification of insect resistantNIBGE-1601 cotton harboring double gene Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab construct. Scientific reports.2021, 10;11(1):1-9.
- Hussain A, Farooq M, Naqvi RZ, Amin I, Pervaiz K, Saeed M, Asif M, Mukhtar MS, MansoorS. Genome-wide identification and classification of resistance genes predicted severaldecoy domains in Gossypium sp. Plant Gene. 2020 Dec 1;24:100250.
- Umer N, Naqvi RZ, Rauf I, Anjum N, Keen PR, Van Eck J, Jander G, Asif M. Expression ofPinellia ternata leaf agglutinin under rolC promoter confers resistance against aphytophagous sap sucking aphid, Myzus persicae. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology.2020 Sep 1;47:72-82.
- Zaidi, SSA., Naqvi, RZ., Asif, M., Strickler, S., Shakir, S., Shafiq, M., Khan, A., Amin, I.,Mishra, B., Mukhtar, S., Scheffler, B., Scheffler, J., Mueller, L., Mansoor, S. Molecularinsight into cotton leaf curl geminivirus disease resistance in cultivated cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum). Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020 Mar;18(3):691-706.
- Naseem MT, AM Khan, A Rasool, M Asif, PDN Hebert, M Ashfaq. 2019. BIN overlapconfirms transcontinental distribution of pest aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae). PLoS ONE.PONE-D-19-19598R2.
- Siddiqui, HA., Asif, M., Asad, S., Naqvi, RZ., Ajaz, S., Umer, N., Anjum, N., Rauf, I., Sarwar,M., Arshad, M., Amin, I., Saeed, M., Mukhtar, Z., Bashir, A., & Mansoor., S. Developmentand evaluation of double gene transgenic cotton lines expressing Cry toxins for protectionagainst chewing insect pests. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 11774 (2019).
- Naqvi RZ, Zaidi SS-e-A, Mukhtar MS, Amin I, Mishra B, Strickler S, Lukas A. Mueller, LA,Asif, M, Mansoor, S. 2019. Transcriptomic analysis of cultivated cotton Gossypiumhirsutum provides insights into host responses upon whitefly-mediated transmission ofcotton leaf curl disease. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0210011.
- Rauf I, Asif M, Amin I, Naqvi RZ, Umer N, Mansoor S, Jander G. 2019. Silencingcathepsin L expression reduces Myzus persicae protein content and the nutritional valueas prey for Coccinella septempunctata. Insect Mol. Biol. 28(6): 785–797.
- Bhatti, F, S Asad, QM Khan, A Mobeen, MJ Iqbal, and M Asif. 2019. Risk assessment ofgenetically modified sugarcane expressing AVP1 gene. Food Chem. Toxicology. 130: 267-275.
- Naqvi RZ, Zaidi SS, Akhtar KP, Strickler S, Woldemariam M, Mishra B, Mukhtar MS,Scheffler BE, Scheffler JA, Jander G, Mueller LA, Asif M, Mansoor S. 2017. Transcriptomicsreveals multiple resistance mechanisms against cotton leaf curl disease in a naturallyimmune cotton species, Gossypium arboreum. Scientific Reports. 21;7(1):15880. * BestResearch paper award by HEC year 2019
- Naqvi RZ, Asif M, Saeed M, Asad S, Khatoon A, Amin I, Mukhtar Z, Bashir A and Mansoor S.2017. Development of a triple gene Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab-EPSPS construct and its expression inNicotiana benthamiana for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance in plants. Front.Plant Sci. 8:55. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00055
Patents(filed to IPO,Pakistan)
- Mansoor et al., 2019. Method for detection of transgenic event NIBGE-1601 in insect resistant cotton harboring double gene Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab. (IPO, patent application No. 250/2019)
- Mansooret al., 2016. Development of triple gene Cry1Ac-Cry2Ab-EPSPS construct for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance in plants. (IPO, Patent application No. 614/2016)
Research Projects:
Commercial Services:
- PCR based GMO testing of food and feed products: GMO testing services are being provided to public and private sectors; mainly to rice exporters/ traders, hence it is helpful for compliance of international trade requirements. It is a substantial source of income for NIBGE and has indirect and positive impact on Pakistan’s economy.