Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ch. M. Moddassir Ahmed ,

Principal Scientist

Work Phone: (041) 9201316-20/Ext 3262
Fax Phone: (+92 41) 9201472
Cell/Direct Phone: 0300-6676473
Ch. M. Moddassir Ahmed


  1. PhD (2020) Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  2. M.Phil. (Microbiology) 2002. Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  3. M.Sc. (Biological Sciences) 2000.Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  4. B.Sc. 1996.Zoology.Chemistry.Geography.University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.


Research Interest:                                                                                         

  • Molecular and physiological responses of crop plants to nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with stress responses in plants.
  • Abiotic stress (Heat,Salt, Drought tolerance) tolerance mechanisms in cropplants.


Research Publications:

  1. Iqbal. S., Bashir, A., Naseer, H. M., Ahmed, M. and Malik K.A. (2008) Identification of differentially expressed genes in developing cotton fiber (GossypiumhirsutumL.) throughDifferential Display. Elect. J. Biotech. Vol. 11 No.1 Issue January 2008.
  2. Ahmed. M., Iqbal, S., Farhatullah and Bashir, A (2011), Isolation and identification of differentially expressed genes between Gossypium arboretum and Gossypiumhirsutum species. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 10(3), pp 337-343.
  3. Shah, A.D., Ahmed, M., Mukhtar, Z., Afzal, S., Habib, I., Malik, Z.A., Mansoor, S. and Saeed, N. A.(2011). Spider toxin (Hvt) gene cloned under phloem specific RSs1 and RolC promoters provide resistance against American bollworm (Heliothisarmigera). (DOI: 10.1007/s10529-011-0572-1) Biotech. Letters 33:1457-1463.
  4. Rauf. M., Shahzad. K., Ali. R., Ahmed. M.,Mansoor. S., Habib. I., Berkowitz. G. A. and Saeed. N. A. (2014), Cloning and characterization of Na+/H+ antiporter (LfNHX1) gene from a halophyte grass Leptochloa fusca for drought and salt tolerance. Molecular Biology Reports: 41(3) 1669-1682.
  5. Zaheer,A., Saeed, N. A., Ahmed, M., Habib, I., Ashraf, M. A., Rasool, M., and Asif, M. (2014). Cloning and analysis of NBS-LRR super family of resistance (R) genes in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Life Sci J;11(6s): 1-7. (ISSN:1097-8135).
  6. Habib, I., Rauf, M., Qureshi, J., Ahmed, M., Mansoor, S., and Saeed, N.A. (2014). Optimization of somatic embryogenesis and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of elite wheat (Triticumaestivum) cultivars of Pakistan. Intl. J. Agric. Biol., 16:1098-1104.
  7. Shahzad, K., Rauf, M., Ahmed, M., Malik, Z. A., Habib, I., Ahmed, Z., Mahmood, K., Ali,   R., Masmoudi, K., Lemtiri-Chlieh, F., Gehring, C., Berkowitz, G. A., and Saeed, N. A. (2014). Functional characterization of an intron retaining K+ transporter of barley reveals intron mediated alternate splicing. Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603.
  8. Ali, F., Ahsan, M., Saeed, N.A.,Ahmed,M., Ali, Q., Kanwal, N., Tehseen,M.M.,Ijaz, U., BibiI.andNiazi, N.K. (2014). Establishment and optimization of callus-to-plant regeneration system using mature and immature embryos of maize (Zea mays). Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16: 111?117
  9. Rauf, M., Saeed, N. A., Habib. I., Ahmed, M., Shahzad, K., Mansoor, S. and Ali, R. (2016). Isolation and in silico analysis of a novel H+pyrophosphatase gene orthologue from the halophytic grass Leptachloafusca. J. Mol. St. 1129:179-187.
  10. Ahmed M, Rauf M, Mukhtar Z, Saeed NA (2017) Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers: an unawareness causing serious threats to environment and human health. Environ. Sci. Pollution Res. 24:26983–26987.
  11. Haq, R.F.U., N.A. Saeed, M. Ahmed, Z. Arshad, S. Mansoor, I. Habib and M. Tester, 2019. Barley vacuolar pyrophosphatase (HVP1) gene confers salinity tolerance in locally adapted wheat (Triticumaestivum. L). Intl. J. Agric. Biol., 22: 1338?1346
  12. Ahmed, M., Saeed, N. A., Ashraf, Y., Mukhtar, Z., Habib, I., Rauf, M., Mansoor, S. “Expression of synthetic Alanine aminotransferase gene improves nitrogen uptake and response in transgenic tobacco” Intl. J. Agri. Bio., 23:744-750,2020. doi:10.17957/IJAB/15.1347.
  13. Ahmed, M., Rauf, M., Akhtar, M., Mukhtar, Z., Saeed, N. A. “Hazards of nitrogen fertilizers and ways to reduce nitrate accumulation in crop plants” Eviron. Sci. Pollut. Res., vol. 21, pp. 17661-17670, 2020.
  14. Ahmed, M., Saeed, N. A., Ashraf, Y., Mukhtar, Z., Mansoor, S. “Improving nitrogen use efficiency in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) through transformation of codon optimized Alanine aminotransferase gene,” Pak. J. Agri. Sci., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 707-714, 2020.


Database Submissions:

  1. 26 Differentially expressed genes submitted in 2007 at National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI):
  2. Shah,A.Dino.,Ahmed,M., Habib.I.  and Saeed, N. Ahmad. 2011.  Database Submission: Accession No.JF342239 Leptochloafusca, Mannose specific lectin mRNA. NIBGE, Jhang Road, Faisalabad 38000, Punjab, Pakistan.
  3. Rauf, M., Ali, R., Shahzad, K., Ahmad,M., Habib, I., Mansoor, S., Berkowitz, G. A. and Saeed, N. A. 2011. Database Submission: Accession No. JF933903 Leptochloafuscaferredoxin-thioredoxinreductase (FTR) mRNA, complete cds.
  4. Rauf, M., Ali, R., Mansoor, S., Ahmad, M.,Shahzad, K., Habib, I., Berkowitz, G. A. and Saeed, N. A. 2011. Database Submission: Accession No. JF933902 Leptochloa fusca Na/H antiporter (NHX1) mRNA, complete cds.
  5. Shahzad, K., Rauf, M., Ahmad, M., Ali, R., Berkowitz, G. A. Mansoor, S. and Saeed, N. A. 2011. Database Submission: Accession No. JN547411 Leptochloa fusca high affinity potassium transporter gene, partial cds.


Poster and Abstracts:

  1. Saeed, N. A., Ahmed, M., Habib, I., Rauf, M., Malik, Z. A., Mansoor, S. and Hameed, S. (2013). Poster presented at 1st International conference on Global Environmental Changes, January 15-16, 2013, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  2. Habib, I., Saeed, N. A., Ahmed, M.,Rauf, M., Mansoor, S. (2013). Late embryogenesis abundance protein gene HVA1 under stress inducible promoter rd29A, improves drought and salinity tolerance in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Poster presented at International conference on Biotechnology Prospects and Challenges in Agriculture, Industry, Health and Environment, April 22-26, 2013. NIBGE, Pakistan.
  3. Rauf, M., Shahzad, K., Ahmed, M., Habib, I., Ali, R., Berkowitz G.A., Mansoor, S. and Saeed, N. A., (2013). Cloning and characterization of NHX1 gene from a halophyte grass Leptochloa fusca for drought and salt tolerance.Poster presented at International conference on Biotechnology Prospects and Challenges in Agriculture, Industry, Health and Environment, April 22-26, 2013. NIBGE, Pakistan.
  4. Rehman, K., Ahmed, M., Habib, I., Rauf, M., Mansoor, S. and Saeed, N. A. (2013). Transformation and molecular analysis of HvNHX1 gene under three different promoters in tobacco plant.Poster presented at International conference on Biotechnology Prospects and Challenges in Agriculture, Industry, Health and Environment, April 22-26, 2013. NIBGE, Pakistan.
  5. Saeed, N. A., Habib, I., Ahmed, M.,Rauf, M., Malik, Z. A., Shahzad, K., and Mansoor, S. (2013). Cloning and expression analysis of genes and field evaluation of salt tolerant genetically modified wheat (Triticumaestivum L.). Abstract and oral presentation at MARCO-FFT Joint International Workshop on Benefits and Risks of Genetically Modified Food Crops in Asia, October 8-10, 2013 at Epochal, Tsukuba, Japan.
  6. Saeed, N. A., Habib, I., Anwar, M.,Ahmed, M.,Mukhtar, Z., Qureshi, J., Mansoor, S., Khalid, Z. M. (2011). Development of drought and salt tolerant wheat through biotechnology. Paper presented at International Wheat Seminar on Wheat Productivity enhancement to sustain self sufficiency. Ayub Agri. Res. Inst. Faisalabad. March 17, 2011.
  7. Shah, A. D. Mukhtar, Z., Khan, S. A., Ahmed, M.Rauf, M., Mansoor, S. and Saeed, N. A. (2011). Expression of spider toxin gene (Hvt) under phloem specific RSs1 and RolC promoter confers resistance against Heliothisarmigeraand mealybug (Phenococcussolenopsis). Abstract and poster presentation in 2nd International conference of Plant Scientists (ICPS-2011) February 22-24, 2011 at GC Lahore, Pakistan.
  8. Saeed, N. A., Ahmed, M.,Anjum, S., Habib, I., Malik, Z.A., Mukhtar, Z., Mansoor, S., Qureshi, J. and Schachtman, D. (2008). Identification and cloning drought related genes in wheat (T. aestivumL.). Presentation at National Conference on Recent Advances in Agriculture Biotechnology March 18-19, 2008 organized by National Commission on Biotechnology, Islamabad. Pakistan.
  9. Ahmed, M., Saeed, N. A., Ashraf, Y., Mukhtar, Z., Mansoor, S. “Engineering nitrogen use efficiency in tobacco and wheat through codon optimized Alanine aminotransferase gene,” abstract published in Proceedings of 14thInternational Plant Sciences Student Conference 19-22 June, 2018, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Research (IPK), Gatersleben,Germany, 2018, pp. 9.

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