Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Dr M. Arshad ,; marshadg

Principal Scientist

Work Phone: (+92 41) 9201316-20 Ext 3263
Cell/Direct Phone: +92(347)7627476
Dr M. Arshad


  1. B. Sc. Hons., 2002, PBG, from University of Agriculture Faisalabad
  2. M. Phil (Biotchnology), 2004, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.
  3. Ph.D (Biotchnology), 2015, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.


Research Interests: 

  1. Transformation of cotton for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance
  2. Analysis of transgenic cotton
  3. Innovations for improvement and expansion in tissue culture system of crops
  4. Innovations in transformation system of crops



  1. Khan, M.H., Jander, G., Mukhtar, Z., Arshad, M., Sarwar, M. and Asad, S., 2020. Comparison of in vitro and in planta toxicity of Vip3A for lepidopteran herbivores. Journal of Economic Entomology113(6), pp.2959-2971.
  2. Khan, M.H., Jander, G., Mukhtar, Z., Arshad, M., Sarwar, M. and Asad, S., 2020. Comparison of in vitro and in planta toxicity of Vip3A for lepidopteran herbivores. Journal of Economic Entomology113(6), pp.2959-2971.
  3. Siddiqui, H. A., Asif, M., Asad, S., Naqvi, R. Z., Ajaz, S., Umer, N., ...& Amin, I. (2019). Development and evaluation of double gene transgenic cotton lines expressing Cry toxins for protection against chewing insect pests. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-7
  4. Arshad,M and Asad S (2018) Embryogenic Calli Explants and Silicon Carbide Whisker-Mediated Transformation of Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) chapter 7, Book; Transgenic cotton (revised edition) by Baohong Zhang,  Methods and Protocols (Springer Nature). (In press).
  5. Arshad M.,  Arshad M.,Leveaue.H.,  Asad S.,  Imran A., and Mirza, S. M. (2016) Comparison of rhizospherical bacterial population and growth promotion of AVP1 transgenic cotton and non-transgenic cotton. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(5): 2016, Page: 1284-1290.
  6. 6.       Arshad M., Zafar., Y. and Asad, S. (2012): SiliconCarbide Whisker-Mediated Transformation of Cotton (GossypiumhirsutumL.) ‘Transgenic Cotton” DOI: 209953-1 En.pdf. Humana Press, New York. Methods in Molecular Biology.
  7. Asad S. and Arshad M. (2011) Silicon Carbide mediated Plant Transformation: Book Title; Properties and application of silicon carbide Gerhardt R., Publisher Intech, JavezaTrdine 9, 5100 Rijeka, Croatia. ISBN 978-953-307-201-2.
  8. 8.       Arif M., Azhar U., Arshad M., Zafar Y., Mansoor S., and Asad S. (2012). Engineering broad-spectrum resistance against RNA viruses in potato. Transgenic Research. 21: 303-311. 
  9. 9.       Asad, S., Mukhtar,  Z.,Nazir,  F.,  Hashmi  A. J., Mansoor,  S.,  Zafar, Y., Arshad, M. (2008). Silicon carbide whisker-mediated embryogenic callus transformation of cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.)and regeneration of salt tolerant plants.  Molecular Biotechnology 40: 161-169. 
  10. 10.   Lashari M. I., Arshad M., Zafar Y. and Asad S (2008). Optimization of zeatin and explany types for efficient embryogenesis and regeneration of diploid cotton (Gossypiumarboreum L.). J. Agriculture Research 46(1) 1-13.
  11. Asad S., Arshad M., Mansoor S and Zafar Y (2009). Effect of various amino acids on shoot regeneration of sugarcane (Sacchrumofficinarum L.) African J Biotechnology: 8 (7), 1214-1218.Post


 International trainings/study

Dr, ShaungxiaJin Professor Cotton Insect Resistance Engineering Lab. Group of Crop Genetic Improvement (GCGI) at Huazhong Agricultural University, Hubei, Wuhan China. Title; “Tissue Culture and Transformation Techniques in Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.)” during 14-12-2018 to 11-01-2019.

         Post Doc. “Talented Young Scientist Program”,at Ecology Institute, Shandong Academy of Sciences China (awarded)

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