- B. Sc. Hons., 2002, PBG, from University of Agriculture Faisalabad
- M. Phil (Biotchnology), 2004, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.
- Ph.D (Biotchnology), 2015, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.
Research Interests:
- Transformation of cotton for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance
- Analysis of transgenic cotton
- Innovations for improvement and expansion in tissue culture system of crops
- Innovations in transformation system of crops
- Khan, M.H., Jander, G., Mukhtar, Z., Arshad, M., Sarwar, M. and Asad, S., 2020. Comparison of in vitro and in planta toxicity of Vip3A for lepidopteran herbivores. Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(6), pp.2959-2971.
- Khan, M.H., Jander, G., Mukhtar, Z., Arshad, M., Sarwar, M. and Asad, S., 2020. Comparison of in vitro and in planta toxicity of Vip3A for lepidopteran herbivores. Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(6), pp.2959-2971.
- Siddiqui, H. A., Asif, M., Asad, S., Naqvi, R. Z., Ajaz, S., Umer, N., ...& Amin, I. (2019). Development and evaluation of double gene transgenic cotton lines expressing Cry toxins for protection against chewing insect pests. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-7
- Arshad,M and Asad S (2018) Embryogenic Calli Explants and Silicon Carbide Whisker-Mediated Transformation of Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) chapter 7, Book; Transgenic cotton (revised edition) by Baohong Zhang, Methods and Protocols (Springer Nature). (In press).
- Arshad M., Arshad M.,Leveaue.H., Asad S., Imran A., and Mirza, S. M. (2016) Comparison of rhizospherical bacterial population and growth promotion of AVP1 transgenic cotton and non-transgenic cotton. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(5): 2016, Page: 1284-1290.
- 6. Arshad M., Zafar., Y. and Asad, S. (2012): SiliconCarbide Whisker-Mediated Transformation of Cotton (GossypiumhirsutumL.) ‘Transgenic Cotton” DOI: 209953-1 En.pdf. Humana Press, New York. Methods in Molecular Biology.
- Asad S. and Arshad M. (2011) Silicon Carbide mediated Plant Transformation: Book Title; Properties and application of silicon carbide Gerhardt R., Publisher Intech, JavezaTrdine 9, 5100 Rijeka, Croatia. ISBN 978-953-307-201-2.
- 8. Arif M., Azhar U., Arshad M., Zafar Y., Mansoor S., and Asad S. (2012). Engineering broad-spectrum resistance against RNA viruses in potato. Transgenic Research. 21: 303-311.
- 9. Asad, S., Mukhtar, Z.,Nazir, F., Hashmi A. J., Mansoor, S., Zafar, Y., Arshad, M. (2008). Silicon carbide whisker-mediated embryogenic callus transformation of cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.)and regeneration of salt tolerant plants. Molecular Biotechnology 40: 161-169.
- 10. Lashari M. I., Arshad M., Zafar Y. and Asad S (2008). Optimization of zeatin and explany types for efficient embryogenesis and regeneration of diploid cotton (Gossypiumarboreum L.). J. Agriculture Research 46(1) 1-13.
- Asad S., Arshad M., Mansoor S and Zafar Y (2009). Effect of various amino acids on shoot regeneration of sugarcane (Sacchrumofficinarum L.) African J Biotechnology: 8 (7), 1214-1218.Post
International trainings/study
Dr, ShaungxiaJin Professor Cotton Insect Resistance Engineering Lab. Group of Crop Genetic Improvement (GCGI) at Huazhong Agricultural University, Hubei, Wuhan China. Title; “Tissue Culture and Transformation Techniques in Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.)” during 14-12-2018 to 11-01-2019.
Post Doc. “Talented Young Scientist Program”,at Ecology Institute, Shandong Academy of Sciences China (awarded) |