Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Engr. Ambreen Latif

Senior Engineer

Academic Qualifications:




Passing Year


Process Design

UET Lahore


BS (hons)

(Gold medalist)

Chemical Engineering

UET Lahore



Research publications

  1. Bio sorption of Mg (II) from water by “Rhizopus Arrhizus”, (2018) 291–296, Desalination and Water treatment.
  2. Comparative Analysis of Nuclear and Coal Fired Power Plant in Pakistan, Sci.Int. (Lahore), 27(5), 4129-4132, 2015.
  3. Review of Renewable Energy resources in Pakistan, J. Glob. Innov. Agric. Soc. Sci., 2014, 2(3): 127-132.
  4. Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis for H2 production using Steam Oxygen Gasification in Aspen Plus, The Nucleus,2016,53(1): 49-55


Research Interest


Industrial Scale Enzymes Production

Optimization for the production of industrially important enzymes in different capacity of bioreactors (10L to 250L). The main objective is to Up-scale the production of enzyme from laboratory to industrial scale. Being as an Engineer, maintenance and repair of bioreactors is among one of my connected responsibilities. There are many interdependent factors and hence be optimized in a pilot plant and further scaled to production size (industrial scale).

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